Mass Effect 3, playthrough part 9 (with commentary)
Mass Effect 3, playthrough part 9 (with commentary)

In this part, Shepard continues to assist the Primarch and Wrex as the crew of the Normandy works towards curing the Genophage.

Shepard takes down a Cereberus raid on a human colony world.

Shepard then assists the Primarch with a secret "diplomatic" mission that took place on Tuchunka.

It turns out that it was a mission lead by the Primarch's son to disarm a bomb the Turians put on Tuchunka after the Krogan Rebellions.

The catch is Cereberus found it first, so now its a race against time to prevent them from setting it off.

Gameplay wise, I complete all the side quests leading up to the Shroud Mission.

Next time we will be curing the Krogan.

Enjoy, and stay tuned for more Mass Effect.