6 Years Free, Married, and Baptized - Anniversary Camping Trip With Maria
6 Years Free, Married, and Baptized - Anniversary Camping Trip With Maria

This is Part 1 of a 5 part series of my fun anniversary trip with Maria, camping and exploring in Michigan's remote Upper Peninsula .

We always have so much fun together.

I know we are cheesy, but we hope to inspire you to get off social media dn get outside to enjoy the real world.

Yes we see the irony of saying that on a published video.

BUT, we hope that the message sinks in and that you say hey, if they can get out and have fun in nature, why can't I?

We call can.

It is ceap, affordable and easy.

There is so much out there to see, do, and experience.

This is just a little taste of what we like.

I hope to see you out doing what you enjoy.

Anything but stare at a screen all day.