Dogra Front activists stage protest against web series 'Tandav'
Dogra Front activists stage protest against web series 'Tandav'

Activists of Dogra Front on January 20 staged protest against the web series 'Tandav' in Jammu and Kashmir's Dogra.

'Tandav', an Amazon Prime Video-based series addressed the backlash against its content that has hurt religious sentiments of many viewers.

Muslim people also showed their anguish against the web series by showing placards.

The protestors alleged that the creators of the web series have tried to disrupt the communal harmony in the country.

Earlier in the day, Maharashtra Government has received a complaint regarding 'Tandav' and will be taking appropriate action against the web series.

Earlier on Monday, the cast and crew of the Saif Ali Khan starrer political-drama had extended their apologies to the viewers for "unintentionally" hurting their sentiments.

An FIR was also registered at Lucknow's Hazratganj Kotwali against Amazon Prime's India and team of 'tandav' for allegedly hurting religious sentiments on Monday.