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Sunday, 2 June 2024

Hollywood seeks health consultants to keep sets safe

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Hollywood seeks health consultants to keep sets safe
Hollywood seeks health consultants to keep sets safe

Along with hair stylists, camera operators and the hundreds of others who make magic happen for TV and film, Hollywood is counting on a new supporting member for future productions: COVID-19 consultants.

Jillian Kitchener has more.

There’s a wanted ad out there in Hollywood… for a new type of consultant who will work to keep busy film and TV sets healthy.

With producers itching to get back to business after sets were shut down in mid-March - epidemiologists and other public health specialists are in high demand to offer safe solutions.

It’s a tough job.

Actress Anna Kendrick says she hasn’t seen a great solution yet.

"There's been a lot of talk about how to get back to work on sets safely and, you know, some ideas that have been floated that I've sort of seen floating around like, I'm like, oh, this was written by somebody who's never been on a film set." While sets remain empty in the U.S. - countries like Australia are ramping up production.

Melbourne’s set for the TV show ‘Neighbours’ has a bunch of sanitizing supplies, with socially distanced crew members wearing gloves.

But actor-director Clark Duke doesn’t think social distancing will work very well: "I don't know - I don't think social distancing - I mean, anybody that's ever been on set, there's no distance.

You can do it on like probably a news set, you know, or something that's like a studio show like that.

But, I mean, as far as a movie or a TV show, I don't see how you could do it.” Writer-director Tyler Perry says he has found a way.

Perry recently announced plans to begin shooting two BET television series on July 8 at his studio complex in Atlanta, offering housing where people can be isolated.

In a 31-page outline, Perry said “it took a village of staff” - like doctors, epidemiologists and union reps - to develop the safeguards.

But will the safety measures last?

Medical Expert, Dr. Paul Litchfeld isn’t so sure: “…But I think as the threat begins to recede, then we'll go back to more like it was six months ago." No matter the challenge - restarting production is important to companies like Netflix and Disney, which need fresh shows to keep ‘stay at home’ audiences engaged.

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