Violent incident in Newton Abbot

Violent incident in Newton Abbot

Devon and Cornwall Police


Police investigating reports of a violent incident in the Buckland area of Newton Abbot at around 6.15pm on Sunday 14 March are appealing for information.

Several people were injured in the incident, with one requiring hospital treatment and officers are investigating a number of reports of assault.

Police are appealing to members of the public who were around the area at the time of the incident. 

DC Emma Dobson from Newton Abbot Police Station said: “We are investigating a violent incident that took place on Sunday 14 March. A few people involved in the incident received injuries with one requiring hospital treatment.

"Police were flagged down by two female cyclists, who alerted them to the incident. As such, we are especially interested in speaking to them. There was also another male present, who police urgently need to trace. These three individuals are witnesses, there is no suggestion they are involved in the incident.

“This happened close to a residential area so there may be potential witnesses to the incident that are able to assist the investigation. Please get in contact with us to help make the community safer – you can also give information anonymously through Crimestoppers.”

Four men have been arrested in relation to the incident. A 22-year-old man from Newton Abbot, was arrested on suspicion of assault by beating and assault causing actual bodily harm; a 25-year-old man from Dawlish, was arrested on suspicion of common assault; a 27-year-old man from Newton Abbot was arrested on suspicion of wounding, grievous bodily harm with intent, grievous bodily harm and resisting arrest; and an 18-year-old man from Newton Abbot, was arrested later, on suspicion of assault causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

All four have been released under investigation.

If you witnessed this person being attacked or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries, please contact police via email at or call 101, quoting crime reference CR/019920/21.

Alternatively, information can be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or via the charity’s website at

--- Note to readers: This message has been disseminated by Devon and Cornwall Police - please visit their official website for further information.

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