Oliver Pash Shares Solo Jewel 'No Namer Blues'



It's a curiously English piece of drifting indie pop...

*Oliver Pash* is ready to start over.

The songwriter previously worked with Beach Baby, before the group's untimely demise.

Recently, however, he began to stir once more, sharing a collection of home recordings on Bandcamp.

Alongside this, Oliver Pash has released new single 'No Namer Blues', and it has a curiously English feel.

In fact, the song's beguiling indie pop melodies puts us in mind of Robert Wyatt's vocal simplicity, or even Syd Barrett.

A song that emerged from isolation, Oliver comments...

Songwriting has always been quite a solitary pursuit for me, shutting yourself away and sitting with your thoughts is often where the process starts. So, a state imposed ‘lockdown’ seemed like a good moment to revisit some old unfinished material.

'No Namer Blues', started life as a half forgotten scrap, it's a song I had started writing some years ago and then abandoned. As soon as I reminded myself of the pre-existing chorus words, I knew it was a song that needed finishing. They eerily fitted the mood and new daily circumstances...

Lily Rose Thomas crafted the visuals, building a number of metaphors for the songwriting that runs through 'No Namer Games'. She says:

"The video is a reflection on the ‘open window’, filled with longing, just as the song is. The idea for 'No Namer Blues' came from us being locked down together in a flat without a garden, where we had spent a long time gazing out of the window; windows took on a new significance, and so we ran with this for the video."

"We asked as many people as we could think of to film a simple shot of their view, with our only request being that we wanted to see the window frame in the shot. We collaborated with editor Charlie Rotberg who did a fantastic job of stitching all the footage together."

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