Exodus, Part 5
Exodus, Part 5

Join Amy and she takes us through Chapters 7 - 8:15 as we see God's continuation of His plan for freeing His people.

We learn about the meanings behind the hardening of Pharaoh's heart and the reasons for doing so.

From Moses's earlier request, we already know that Pharaoh holds no regard for the Lord of the Israelites.

Amy explains the symbolism of the signs when Moses and Aaron go toe to toe with Pharaoh's magicians, as they show they can only imitate God's power, but not overpower.

In the beginning of Chapter 8, we see the continuation of the power of the Lord our God through the second plague of frogs.

At this point, Pharaoh has had enough and entreats Moses to speak to the Lord for relief.

Great encouragement is given through Moses's journey of God's provision and protection when in obedience to His calling.