Ep4 TSF | Brady Blackner
Ep4 TSF | Brady Blackner

Brady has 10 years of law enforcement experience, ranging from reserve police officer to city patrol officer and later a Security Forces Officer as a civilian with the United States Air Force.

Brady started his law enforcement career out as a reserve police officer and a bailiff working a justice court.

He later became a full-time patrol officer with a municipality in northern Utah.

While with the police department he served as a patrol officer handling day to day calls for service as well as preforming as a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert).

Brady later tested and was selected to become a member of the SWAT team at 18 months into his career.

While with the team he served as a breacher, grenadier (chemical munitions expert and trainer), and a NFDD (noise flash diversion device expert and trainer), assaulter, and defensive tactics instructor.

Brady attended and completed Ogden City SWAT Hell week as well as advanced SWAT III and Counter Terrorism school through Government Training Institute.

While working in Law Enforcement, he handled many calls for service which gave him a wide range of experiences some fulfilling and others very troubling.