Is Everyone Looking at Political Divisions the Wrong Way? | Charlie Kirk | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Is Everyone Looking at Political Divisions the Wrong Way? | Charlie Kirk | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Charlie Kirk (Founder, President of Turning Point USA) about the bright side of institutions failing, why conservatives should be cautious about a red wave midterm election, and how the baby boomers have shown that they are willing to sacrifice Gen Z and millennial voters to stay in power.

First, Charlie talks about why CNN ratings, and the state of Facebook should give conservatives reasons to be hopeful.

While tech giants still control the major platforms and social media censorship has gotten worse, there has also been a major rise in conservative media.

Facebook is dying while Rumble is ascending.

Charlie shares the hopeful signs he’s been seeing at Turning Point USA events at college campuses across the country.

Next, Charlie discusses how The Great Reset might be something that we should all be concerned about.

He gives his thoughts on whether the Democrats are aware of how bad they are doing and why 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones is the perfect representation for why America is currently so divided.

He discusses how Republicans can fight back against a globalist agenda and why winning the 2022 midterms may not be the good sign that some think it is.

Finally, Charlie explains how the generational divide was made much worse by COVID.

Baby boomer leaders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have all revealed that they are fine sacrificing the younger generation to save themselves.

Whether it’s school closures to save the elderly or driving the national debt to new heights they are increasing the chances of generational warfare between them and millennials and Gen Z.

Millennials feel screwed over and are unable to afford home ownership due to bad boomer policies.

Charlie also shares why Gen X may be the new conservative generation.