Hamirpur to get 3 oxygen plants within 1 month: MoS Anurag Thakur
Hamirpur to get 3 oxygen plants within 1 month: MoS Anurag Thakur

As the country is reeling under oxygen shortage amid second wave of pandemic, Minister of State Finance Anurag Thakur informed that 3 oxygen plants will be set up in record time of 1-month in Hamirpur.

He further said that every district of Himachal Pradesh will receive PPE kits, masks, oxygen concentrators, oxygen regulators and other medical equipments will be provided.

"We've started installing oxygen plants in Hamirpur parliamentary constituency and in the next 10-15 days they will start functioning.

In a record time of 1-month, we will deliver 3 oxygen plants in Hamirpur," said Anurag Thakur.