‘Mamata Banerjee sustained injuries in her ankle, shoulder and neck’: Doctor
‘Mamata Banerjee sustained injuries in her ankle, shoulder and neck’: Doctor

Medical tests conducted on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee March 10 detected severe bone injuries in her left ankle and foot, and injuries in right shoulder, forearm and neck, informed a doctor from SSKM hospital.

"Initial examination suggests severe bony injuries in her left ankle and foot along with bruises and injuries in the right shoulder, forearm and neck.

Chief Minister complained of chest pain, breathlessness since the incident.

She is kept under close watch for 48 hours," said Dr M Bandopadhya.

Banerjee had alleged she was pushed by unknown miscreants in Nandigram.

Earlier, she had filed her nomination to contest assembly polls from Nandigram seat.

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