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Saturday, 1 June 2024

Miller Motte College - Medical Clinical Assistant Program

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Miller Motte College - Medical Clinical Assistant Program
Miller Motte College - Medical Clinical Assistant Program

Danielle Potter and Jennifer Hughley from Miller Motte College discuss Medical Clinical Assistant Program.


[Music] welcome to local business spotlight everyone I'm Troy Thompson joining me in the studio today these two fantastic ladies Daniel part of Director of Admissions agent Lee from allied health program director over there at Miller Mott College yeah welcome ladies thank you for having me okay today we're talking about the medical clinical assistant program right now and we also have mr. Bob's arm because we're going to show everyone at home what it is in regards to one of the things they learn at the college for this particular program so what is it your role at the college to begin with okay so mom role is the program director okay not only am i the program director also instruct my students as well I'm in the classroom teaching them how to do medical assisting skills as well okay so just very briefly show us what it is that tell us what it is that you're going to actually do okay so today I am going to show you how to draw blood Oh mr. Bob okay so while you're doing that showing everyone at home we're gonna talk a little bit more of it of course if you wouldn't mind um how long does this cut the course go for it's twelve months twelve minutes now what are the qualifications that someone would actually need in do they need a college degree what's what's needed okay so to become a medical clinical assistant you they actually sit for an Acer Takai ssin exam at the end that would make them a certified medical assistant okay so when they go out in the workforce what are they actually going to be doing in an apart from drawing blood yeah so they're actually working in a physician's office they can do triage meaning you know blood pressure it's temperature checks you know right working up the chart what are you in for today Tori how are you feeling you know oh okay so I just find that amazing that's how you just actually did that because often where I just went and had a heap of blood drawn and they bought this over and I thought to myself oh everyone at home they bought this over and I thought oh my god that needle looks so much bigger than what it used to look right so when you were teaching the class do people or the students feel funny about drawing the blood or very like into it they're really nervous at first but they once they get it they get it and they really like drawing blood that is one of the best parts of medical clinical assisting okay so when you go out there into the public and you see some of your students you hear one of the local doctors and you see some of your students that have gone through that how does that feel for you as a program director well I can tell you that I know that I am getting quality patient care because they came from Miller Mont college okay I wanted to do all scary how is this different from medical billing and coding okay so yeah and she's over both programs medical billing and coding would be more non patient contact more working in the billing office may be working for insurance companies may be working remotely yep where medical clinical is hands-on its patient contact there you want it's you like people you want to help them when medical billing and coding you're still helping but you're just able to do that not in the pub like not face-to-face with the public yeah okay so what do you say to someone sitting at home right now who just saw you do this and the band-aids coming off Bob's out so does that mean you fail no I've often wondered why you needed to have that on there but what do you say to people at home about maybe this could be the course for you if you love patient care if you love dealing and helping people this is the course for you and the medical field is it's a field that's never going to go away that's true especially with everything going on out there in the world it's ever-evolving can you build on this course after you do a course you can then do the next level if need be that's what we love about you guys if you want to find out more information you can call all the information up on the screen at Miller Mott College and just remember everyone walk through the college there's no you know issues you can now and give Danielle yeah I call and just be I want to do it you'll take care of it all back after this [Music]

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