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Saturday, 21 September 2024

Local store workers say shoppers are staying safe on day one of reopening

Credit: KDRV
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Local store workers say shoppers are staying safe on day one of reopening
Local store workers say shoppers are staying safe on day one of reopening
Local store workers say shoppers are staying safe on day one of reopening

çáácameron lineááñ "today jackson county entering phase one of reopening, which means not all stores are opening up, but some of our local stores like kid to kid here in poplar square are starting to reopen.

But is our community doing so responsibly?"

çááangie lineááñ "we have not had any issues.

People are really respectful.

We have asked parents to keep children in either strollers or carries, or right at mom or dads hand.

That has really been a non-issue.

I have not had to speak with anyone.

"i think they have done pretty good.

Obviously the littles have a harder time understanding.

So, we are asking parents to just kind of educate them on the guidelines of our community right now."

Local stores opening, and major chain retailers staying closed.

Like at the reopened rogue valley mall where shoppers have also been up to the task.

çáábrenda lineááñ "we have seen both, a lot of people with masks, we are wearing masks, we have sanitation stations.

I have seen a lot of people with masks coming in and out of the mall.

People with gloves."

çáácameron lineááñ "pendelton is one of the few stores that are open in the mall on the first day of reopening, but as soon as you walk through the door, you are asked to hand sanitize.

Reporting in medford, cameron derby,

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