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Saturday, 1 June 2024

Feeding Those In Need

Credit: KIMT
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Feeding Those In Need
Feeding Those In Need

The city of Rochester teamed up with channel one regional food bank, cradle 2 career, and Family Service Rochester for the second one-day food box distribution event.

You may be one of the people out of work during this pandemic.

Many local families are struggling to make ends meet or even put food on the table.

We want to tell you about the help available.

Kimt news three's raquel hellman is finding out about an effort to feed those in need in rochester.

Live she joins us now live to show us how it works?

Raquel?xxx katie?

I am at the boys and girls club of rochester?

Which is one of four places where people could come earlier today to pick up a box of food?

Much like this one that i have right here.

Each box has thirty pounds of no?

Perishable items?

Which is enough to feed a family of four for about a the city has been working since the very beginning of the pandemic to make sure that everyone has access to food during this crisis the city of rochester teamed up with channel one regional food bank cradle 2 career?

And family service rochester for the second on?day food box distribution event.

Anyone in need was able to come and get a box.

And just because minnesota will start to reopen on monday?

Doesn't mean that need is going to go away any time soon.

So if you're struggling to put food on the table during this tough time?

Community leaders want you to know?

Help is you know, maybe you worked in a restaurant and you had a good income but now all the sudden you found yourself laid off.

There are just a lot of people who are jobless who haven't been and we want them to know that channel one and the community are here for you.

In addition to boxes like this one filled with no?perishable food?

Frozen meat?


And fresh produce were also given to people.

Live in rocheste?

Raquel hellman thanks raquel.

If you missed today's food box distribution the channel one regional food bank is always available to help any time you need food.

We've put their contact information on kimt dot com along with this story under local

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