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Saturday, 1 June 2024

Concerns for expectant mothers during the pandemic

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Concerns for expectant mothers during the pandemic
Concerns for expectant mothers during the pandemic

Pregnant moms around Middle Georgia are voicing concerns about delivering their babies during a global pandemic.

Langford says... they're working to produce more masks.

The masks are designed to fit for a variety of medical practices.

Pregnant moms are concerned about delivering their baby during a global pandemic.

Here in middle georgia, delivery rooms are taking extra precautions.

41nbc's peyton lewis has more.

0:19-0:39 0:58-1:19 1:57-2:00 expectant mother, leann grinstead, is from laurens county and currently 26 weeks pregnant.

Like many other soon to be moms, she has concerns about delivering a baby in the hospital during the covid-19 pandemic.

Grinstead says she's nervous to deliver during the pandemic, but tries to think positive.

"i try not to overthink it because i do have a couple months, so you know i do just hope and pray that things will level out by then.

But i don't want to think the worst or hope for the best and then it still be in the same situation.

So i try not to get my hopes up."

With increasing numbers of covid-19 cases, and more restrictions being placed on hospitals, the process of giving birth has changed significantly.

Michelle smith, the director for women's services at fairview park hospital in dublin, says that her facility is taking extra precaution for mothers with newborns.

"when we're doing discharges we are making sure that when we take the patients out, that it's only the mom and the baby, and the nurse and their significant other on the elevator, so there's nobody else with them.

We are ensuring that everybody wears a mask in the hallways and even on discharge, and we are covering the baby with a blanket.

Leann grinstead says her designated hospital placed restrictions on births out of precaution.

"you have one person allowed with you, but that person cannot be changed out, like once they're there, they're there.

No visitors, no kids, no nothing.

So it's kind of upsetting because my daughter is so excited, you know she wants to be there but at the same time, i understand their putting policies in place to protect everybody."

Although covid-19 is changing how families welcome their babies, the love and caring for c1 3 b13 new life remains the same.

In dublin, peyton lewis, 41nbc news.

Fairview park hospital says

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