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Sunday, 2 June 2024

Alternative plans discussed for Boilermaker

Credit: WKTV
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Alternative plans discussed for Boilermaker
Alternative plans discussed for Boilermaker

Boilermaker officials are making alternative plans for the annual event in case it has to be postponed.

Once again.

Boilermaker officials say they are ready for july.

But -- it's not yet known if july is going to be ready for them.

Right now, because of coronavirus, life is on pause.

Gatherings of any size are being cancelled or postponed.

And one of the biggest gatherings in our region.... may not be immune.

Sports director spencer davidson is in the sports station with what organizers are saying today.

July 12th, 2020.

It's the date we've been talking about since the final runner crossed the finish line last year....for the best 15k in the country.

But this event... like many other events.... is preparing for the possibility that date will change.

We've talked to the boilermaker officials a couple times since coronavirus restrictions have been put in place.

But the closer we get to july....reality is setting in.

They say they are working on contingency plans for a possible postponment.

No dates have been announced.

With 14,500 people running the 15k.

4,500 running the 5k.

That's 19 thousand people before you add in the spectators and the volunteers along the course and at the post race party.

The boilermaker president mark donovan says in part quote: we must all recognize that we are facing a situation that is changing by the minute and we are, in many ways, at its mercy.

The one thing we can never do, is put the safety and well- being of boilermaker nation at risk.

To that end, we are running parallel planning paths; one that will have us ready for july if appropriate and a contingency plan should july prove to be too much of a risk to proceed.

Donovan says the boilermaker was started by earle reed in 1978 as a way to give back to the community.

He says in the last 42 years it's brought everyone together.

Donovan hopes year 43 is the year we celebrate our overcoming this health crisis.

Kristen to reiterate what you said a few minutes ago - the race has never been postponed to a later date or cancelled up to this point.

A story to be continued.

For now -- registration for the boilermaker presses

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