BTCC alters 2021 calendar to boost spectator hopes

BTCC alters 2021 calendar to boost spectator hopes



British Touring Car Championship season to start without fans at Thruxton on 8 May, but organisers hopeful of finals attending remaining nine meetings

The 2021 British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) season will start without spectators present at Thruxton on 8 May – but organisers have moved back the next two events in order to maximise the chances fans will be able to attend the remaining nine meetings.

Series bosses had previously delayed the start of the season by five weeks from 3 April in the hope that easting coronavirus restrictions would enable spectators to attend race meetings. Following the publication of the government's roadmap to easing restrictions, two minor tweaks have now been made to that calendar.

Due to date limitations, the Thruxton season-opener remains on 8 May, meaning that fans will be unable to attend. But the next two rounds at Snetterton and Brands Hatch have been pushed back until after the date where the government is hoping to permit spectators at sporting events. The Snetterton event moves from 15/16 May to 12/13 June, with Brands Hatch switching from 12/13 June to 26/27 June.

No further alterations have been made, and the revised calendar reains a full 10-event, 30-race season. While spectators won't be allowed at the Thruxton opener, they should be allowed to attend the second race at the Hampshire circuit on 28/29 August. The season is due to end on the Brands Hatch Indy circuit e on 23/24 October. 

Prime minister Boris Johnson has warned that the current national lockdown could continue in some form until Easter, with the potential for localised tiers to return beyond that.

The series recently confirmed a full grid of 29 cars for 2021. TOCA held back issuing three additional BTCC licences (TBLs) in line with its ambition “to gradually reduce the size of the BTCC grid". 


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