🎯 REPOST: Economist Emily Oster Suggests ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ ~ Not a Chance In Hell Lady! We Want Justice, Accountability
🎯 REPOST: Economist Emily Oster Suggests ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ ~ Not a Chance In Hell Lady! We Want Justice, Accountability

On a Personal Note: I am the admin of this Rumble channel and I say Fuck Pandemic Amnesty!

My baby brother is dead.

I lost my job.

17 MILLION+ dead so far from the Covid Killshots, including children.


You all knew what you were doing when you rolled this genocide SCAMdemic and the poison jabs out for your "masters" so SCREW YOU!

I hope that the eventual arrests for Crimes Against Humanity, the Tribunals and the punishments (hopefully hangings) for all of you bastards are televised - I will be celebrating your demise!!
