🐺Werewolf in a Girls Dormitory (1961) 🌕 | MOVIE SIGN!!!
🐺Werewolf in a Girls Dormitory (1961) 🌕 | MOVIE SIGN!!!

🎥 Prepare for a hair-raising night of classic horror with "Werewolf in a Girls Dormitory" (1961)!

Join us for a movie night filled with eerie atmosphere, spine-chilling mysteries, and the legendary allure of werewolf folklore.

We'll provide lively commentary, unraveling the secrets of the dormitory and delving into the suspenseful twists of this vintage horror gem.

Your live chat interaction is crucial, so join the fright fest, share your thoughts, and experience the howling terror of "Werewolf in a Girls Dormitory." Get ready for a night of cinematic thrills under the pale moonlight!
