Storytellers with Christy Lou
Storytellers with Christy Lou

Journaling--keeping a record of our thoughts and experiences--allows both the writer, and, under the proper circumstances, the reader, both an escape and a therapeutic thought purge.

But to Dr. Natalie Ford, reading her late husband's journals served as her window into his mental illness, and the foundation for her writing.

On Monday, January 29 at 8 p.m.

Eastern, I'll feature Natalie, and narrate an excerpt of her book, Seeking Answers, Finding Peace: Loving and Losing Someone with Mental Illness.

We're going to delve into how his illness challenged their marriage, their parenting experiences, and how she found the courage to remarry.

We'll also touch on her new career as an international member care coordinator, combining her passion for mental wellness and missions.

I hope you can join us!If you'd like to listen to more of my audiobook narration, here's a list of the books I've narrated.

These are available on Audible, Apple Books and iTunes: