New Polls Have Trump Over Biden But Does it Matter? | SCOTUS To Rule On Smith's Petition | Ep 663
New Polls Have Trump Over Biden But Does it Matter? | SCOTUS To Rule On Smith's Petition | Ep 663

Joe Biden struggled during an event yet again giving us another gaffe before telling another lie about his house almost burning down.

His health and atrocious policies have his approval ratings at historic lows, and he is now losing by large margins to Donald Trump in both Georgia and Michigan, but does it matter?

Jack Smith has SCOTUS ruling on his petition to determine whether or not Donald Trump can be prosecuted and the left remains hell bent on ensuring that he cannot be president again.

Comedian Bill Burr says Trump's next term is the fault of the left if it happens and Mike Johnson still doesn't get why Americans want Joe Biden impeached.

Plus, a woman absolutely said what we are all thinking about the education system at a school board meeting and it was awesome, some sports updates and Alex Jones is back on X and the left is losing their minds.