UFOs and ETs taught man Psychic Mediumship abilities.
UFOs and ETs taught man Psychic Mediumship abilities.

On "The Dave Emmons Strange Reality Show," my guest on this episode is Andrew Radziewicz.

Andrew is from Australia but was originally from New York.

This show was recorded on 8-24-23.

We have a double treat with Andrew's discussion of UFOs/ETs, along with the Mediumship and psychic abilities he possesses.

Andrew saw his first UFO while operating as a Coast Guard observer in the Atlantic.

After that sighting, he was fascinated by the UFO phenomena.

He later attended a CE-5 week-long field training to learn to call UFOs to appear, where he met Dr. Steven Greer (CE-5 founder).

Andrew saw numerous orbs and UFO craft during that week-long session.

He met several prominent Ufologists and learned a lot from Dr. Greer.

Since that training, Andrew has seen many orb lights in his house and in the sky through his meditation sessions.

He has even communicated and interacted with beings from another dimension and has seen numerous ETs.

All his encounters were peaceful interactions.