WarCraft 3 Reforged, Campaign [14] (no commentary)
WarCraft 3 Reforged, Campaign [14] (no commentary)

The stage is set.

The Night Elves, The Humans, and the Orchish Horde have done everything they can to prepare to fight off the Burning Legion.

Hopefully it is enough.

Malfurion comes up with a plan.

Their forces will delay Archimonde and his forces as long as they can, so Malfurion can cast his spell.

It will utilize the world tree, spirits, and the night elves power bond with the world tree to kill Archimonde.

The catch is that the Night Elves will become mortal and lose their power.

All the free people of Azeroth are at stake.

Enjoy, and stay tuned for more content.