You won’t want to miss the biggest supermoons of August! | Nightly News: Kids Edition
You won’t want to miss the biggest supermoons of August! | Nightly News: Kids Edition

One of the ways to beat this year’s extreme heat is by drinking a lot of water!

Have you ever wondered why water is so essential?

We explain.

Are you a moon lover?

Well, the month of August is for you!

Just a few days ago, the first of two supermoons illuminated the night sky.

The next supermoon will occur later this month!

We tell you everything you want to know about the moon!

Plus, off to the races — We head to the Soap Box Derby and introduce you to some kids who are learning about racing.

And, think pink!

The new “Barbie” movie is a big hit in theaters but the iconic doll has been around for a long time!

We take a look into the history and why this toy has become more than just make-believe.