#53: Dan Newmeyer - Diabetes/COVID/Mullets/My 600lb Life | Til Death Podcast | 5.19.2020
#53: Dan Newmeyer - Diabetes/COVID/Mullets/My 600lb Life | Til Death Podcast | 5.19.2020

This week, we have our buddy Dan Newmeyer back on the show!!

We discuss his recent diagnosis of Diabetes, his recent scare with a possible COVID-19 contamination in his house, our theory on mullets and the proper length of time to don the Tennessee Top Hat, we give Dan new parameters on his Sigourney Weaver Dildo Bet, and we also discuss the difficulties of personal hygiene for the cast of “My 600lb Life” and the like.

As per our usual conversations with Dan, there is no lack of entertainment on this one!

Don't let the Corona get you down!!