Dogecoin Creator Calls Out Mark Cuban for Running a Crypto Grift
Dogecoin Creator Calls Out Mark Cuban for Running a Crypto Grift

Https:// Dogecoin Creator Calls Out Mark Cuban for Running a Crypto GriftDogecoin co-creator Jackson Palmer is back with more harsh words for the crypto industry, community, and its influencers.

This time, he’s after Mark Cuban.

The Adobe engineer accused the investor of running a “grift” by trying to claim a stake in the “extractive, grifty system of cryptocurrency.” Drinking the Crypto Kool-Aid In an interview with Business Insider, Palmer said that he thinks Cuban has “drunk the Kool-Aid” surrounding crypto and NFTs.

“Mark Cuban isn’t getting paid as a celebrity to promote this stuff,” he explained.

“He actually has kind of been indoctrinated into believing that these things are the future.”...