November Is Coming, Left Accumulates Losses, Guest: Emma-Jo Morris Uncovers Woke Educators
November Is Coming, Left Accumulates Losses, Guest: Emma-Jo Morris Uncovers Woke Educators

November is indeed coming, and the left is feeling the heat.

Even in one of their safe spaces—San Francisco—the Dems are losing.

Parents in San Francisco voted to recall three members of the city’s school board for wasting too much time on woke pet issues instead of focusing on opening schools.

Breitbart’s Jerome Hudson explains what the fallout from this could mean for the Dems—and especially for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee—in November.

Plus, Virginia Gov.

Glenn Youngkin (R) signed a bill to keep schools mask-free, and there are more stories of the continuing nationwide crime wave happening under President Big Joey’s watch.

This is what defunding the police and having open borders looks like.

Our guest today is Breitbart’s Politics Editor Emma-Jo Morris who discusses her ongoing investigation into the woke indoctrination taking place in the country’s elite private schools.

Her latest report reveals how private schools under the direction of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) have been training teachers to expose children as young as 4 years old to sexually explicit content without their parents’ knowledge as part of a “queer-inclusive” curriculum.

This interview is a must listen!