Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame Women of the Year Feminism VS Logic
Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame Women of the Year Feminism VS Logic

Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame have won the Women of the Year Award from Fake News Mainstream Media Magazine Marie Claire.

This is not surprising as the Australian Media are obsessed with Feminism and all sides of the Media have been promoting Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame for months now.

Grace Tame who had a Relationship with her Teacher just six months off the age of Consent has also won the Australian of the Year.

Meanwhile women like Ashleigh Barty and the numerous women who won Olympic Games Gold Medals go unrecognized in awards for women.

If you want to win the Australian of the Year what you need to do is to be a Victim and a Feminist Activist promoting debunked ideas like the Gender Pay Gap and claiming that Australia is a Rape Culture.

This is Feminism VS Logic.