New Study Finds Depression in Adults Could Be Prevented With Sleep Training
New Study Finds Depression in Adults Could Be Prevented With Sleep Training

New Study Finds Depression in Adults , Could Be Prevented With Sleep Training.

CNN reports recent clinical trials may have found a better way to treat depression in adults.

Cognitive-behavioral sleep training is a method that helps to form bedtime habits associated with a healthy mind.

The study published in AMA Psychiatry shows adults who undergo sleep training may have a better chance at fending off depression.

What is exciting about these findings is that they are among the first to demonstrate that treating insomnia with a behavioral strategy, not a pill, can prevent the development of depression in older adults.

, Wendy Troxel behavioral scientist RAND Corp, via CNN.

Researchers say the study's findings could be "highly significant.".

Depression is a widespread issue in the United States.


Those who suffer from depression are often more likely to experience rapid cognitive decline, disability and suicide.

Those who suffer from depression are often more likely to experience rapid cognitive decline, disability and suicide.

Another major risk associated with depression is insomnia.

Some 30% to 50% of older adults complain of insomnia.

, Dr. Michael Irwin, professor of psychiatry David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA, via CNN.

The study found adults who underwent cognitive therapy for insomnia were 50% less likely to experience depression.

That's why this study is so important.

, Dr. Michael Irwin, professor of psychiatry David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA, via CNN.

We have shown that we can actually target insomnia with cognitive behavior therapy and prevent depression from occurring.

, Dr. Michael Irwin, professor of psychiatry David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA, via CNN