Toxic' mom says she 'shouldn't have had children' in emotional post
Toxic' mom says she 'shouldn't have had children' in emotional post

A mom confessed online that, despite loving her three daughters deeply, she feels like she's not suited for motherhood — .and parents everywhere say they know exactly how she feels.Posted to the subreddit r/BreakingMom, user TheAntiMama received hundreds of comments and upvotes when she opened up in a vulnerable post on the forum.When it came to having children with her husband, she said, "we just kind of stumbled into it.

I was always reluctant"."Unfortunately, what I discovered AFTER having them is that I don’t have a nurturing bone in my body... Basically, all the 'soft skills' you need to be an amazing mother — I don’t have ANY of those"."Mothering requires what feels like super-human emotional endurance to provide.

And unfortunately for me I’m just one of those people that doesn’t have those qualities naturally" ."Can anyone relate to this?

Is there any way to develop these qualities so that my girls have a positive experience of their childhood even if I am not naturally well-suited to the job?.She went on to explain in the comments that she has tried numerous types of therapy and medication — but despite years of "concerted, sustained effort," she's found nothing helpful.hundreds of parents came forward to offer TheAntiMama support and advice — and to inform her she's not alone in her feelings toward motherhood."You aren’t toxic.

You are self aware and telling a truth that many feel but will never express it because of societal conditioning," one parent wrote