'Covaxin is successful in tackling UK strain,' informs ICMR
"Covaxin is successful in tackling UK strain," informs ICMR

Indian Council of Medical Research DG, Balram Bhargava announced that the Covaxin is successful in tackling UK strain.

He further informed that UK variant strain is now present in 70 countries and 164 cases have been identified in India.

"UK variant strain is now present in 70 countries and we've identified 164 cases of it in India.

We were able to find the first case of the UK variant on 22nd-23rd December.

In a week's time, we were able to collect blood from these patients and culture the strain.

We found that the neutralisation of UK strain was equivalent to Indian strains circulating in India.

It's a very reassuring news that UK variant can be tackled by this vaccine," informed ICMR DG during a press briefing on January 28.