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Sunday, 2 June 2024

Newly unemployed workers struggle through unemployment process

Credit: WTVA ABC Tupelo, MS
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Newly unemployed workers struggle through unemployment process
Newly unemployed workers struggle through unemployment process

The coronavirus has taken jobs away from millions of hardworking Americans.

Many of them are left to struggle through the unemployment process.

Coronavirus has taken jobs away from millions of hardworking americans.

Unemployment rates in the state and across the nation are at some of the highest rates... and for some, having to file for unemployment is an issue... wtva's sydney darden spoke with two locals about their challenges getting assistance during the pandemic wtva's sydney darden spoke with two locals about their challenges getting assistance during the pandemic the mississippi department of employment security director says since this pandemic they've been receiving upwards of 6,000 calls a day.

I spoke with 2 people who say their chance to speak with an agent could turn their situations around completely.


Nats "this is what i would be doing if i was working again."

But joshua livesay isn't working.

Usually he's a chef at down under international pub.

But because of the coronavirus, he and his coworker kyle miller's careers have come to a screeching halt.

Sot joshua livesay, chef, down under international pub - "i've been working for sixteen years and i've never been without a job.

And after trying to file for unemployment the restaurant duo says the process only makes them feel re victimized all over again.

Sot joshua livesay- "going onto the website which looks like it's from 1994.

Very difficult to navigate."

((butted)) sot "when i filed my weekly claim, it told me that i had to call the center to receive my unemployment."

And what exactly happens when miller does try calling?

Nats "your call did not go through."

"this has been every single time i've tried to call them.

Sot kyle miller- "i called them 100 times in 3 days."

So far, the mississippi department of employment security hasn't changed their application to accommodate those newly jobless because of the pandemic.

Nat "they were asking us reasons why we quit our job.

If we have another job lined up and ready for it.

With everything that's going on it should just be a simple disaster."

Completely left in the dark and surviving on dwindled savings, livesay still looks for the silver lining sot joshua livesay- "keep trying.

It's going to be tough but do what you can to help get our local economy back on track."

Miller and livesay told me they feel like the hope restaurants will be able to fully reopen on may 11th, after the safer at home mandate expires.

But in the meantime their boss is still trying to get a ppe loan.

Live in tupelo, sydney darden wtva 9 news.

One way to know for sure if you have the virus,,, is to get

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