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Saturday, 1 June 2024

Tips For Learning At Home

Credit: KADN
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Tips For Learning At Home
Tips For Learning At Home
Tips For Learning At Home

Gold sales goal weezy and.

Topic: with remote schooling a reality and parents not quite sure where to start, christy ba high school senior in an eighth grader so we've been doing this home schooling for a month now- and some of the best tips that i could offer would be to.

Not get overwhelmed.

Make things manageable for you break things down into bite sized pieces we don't have to do it all at once- give yourself a little bit of grace first of all- thanks to help really keep kids engaged i think it's important to keep a schedule going- make sure that.

Kids still have a routine as far as sleeping you know bad times that may be a little bit later wake up time maybe a little bit later but keep that schedule keep that- meal time right scene- and make sure that they're getting plenty of.

Of recreation and physical activity- as well- i think it's also really really important set goals- you do need to know what they're supposed to accomplish in so.

Being able to sit down with them at the start of that hour and say okay we're going to work on this math assignment well we're not going to go outside play basket she baskets for evening.

The week- it depending on the age of your students.

Free resources all right still didn't page called still the nation dot com so parents can go on to that free website and there are chips worksheets teacher resources videos but what's really exciting is we put together some line.

Interactive mini camps that are going to be starting in about a week aligned topic covering elementary all the way through middle school and high school things like- for elementary school- you know fine with with- math.

And moving with math high school they've got a really cool

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