AVIVA movie
AVIVA movie

AVIVA movie trailer (2020) a movie by Boaz Yakin Plot synopsis: Aviva is a unique exploration of gender within the self, told through the lens of a modern romantic relationship.

"Aviva" portrays the relationship between Eden and Aviva, and how the conflicts and difficulties in balancing the masculine/feminine balance within themselves extends outward and challenges their connection.

Both characters are played by both a man and a woman each, and the film is narrated for the most part by Eden's female side.

Eden and Aviva and their journey as a couple; from courtship to marriage, to divorce and finally into a deep friendship - it's theme is the masculine/feminine duality in each individual and how that balance or imbalance affects the relationship between them, so both characters are played by a man and woman.

Director: Boaz Yakin Producer: Boaz Yakin, Carlos Zozaya Screenwriter: Boaz Yakin Cinematographer: Arseni Khachaturan Editor: Holle Singer Production Designer: Estee Braverman Sound Designer: Jacob Flack Music: Asaf Avidan Principal Cast: Zina Zinchenko, Bobbi Jene Smith, Tyler Phillips, Or Schraiber Additional Credits: Choreography : Bobbi Jene Smith, Co-choreography : Or Schraiber