Drain 247 Achieves Great Success with Major Company Growth and Significant Investments



Friday 12 August, 2022In just the first few months of 2022, Drain 247 has already seen significant success. The company has experienced major growth, making a variety of investments that have put it in a strong position for continued success in the future.

Drain 247 has been able to achieve this success thanks to its commitment to providing excellent service and its dedication to meeting the needs of its customers. These values have helped the company attract new business and retain existing customers, both of which are essential for any business looking to grow.

Looking ahead, Drain 247 is poised for even more success. With its strong foundation and impressive track record, there is no doubt that the Drain 247 brand will continue to thrive in the years to come.

Drain 247 Makes Significant Investments in 2022

Having seen major company growth, Drain 247 were able to make significant investments this year, including:

New Jetting Equipment

To stay at the forefront of the drainage industry, Drain 247 has invested in cutting-edge drain jetting equipment with the latest technology. Supplied by the Manchester-based company, Superjet Jetchem, the new jetting equipment is a van-mounted, high-pressure water jetting system that is designed for professional drain cleaning. It has a pump that can generate significant water pressure, making it ideal for clearing out blocked drains or blocked gullies. It also has an impressive water tank capacity and comes with a hose reel and accessories.

It's a significant improvement on the company’s previous jetting equipment and it streamlines the way their engineers carry out drain jetting services. Boasting full remote-control capability, it can be operated from 5 meters away and allows Drain 247 to provide an even better service to their customers as they’ll be able to reach areas that would have been inaccessible. It also significantly improves the safety for their engineers as the remote-control feature enables the engineers to operate the jetting equipment from a safer distance.

The new jetting equipment is a great addition to their fleet of drain jetting equipment and will help the company to better serve their customers' needs.

New Drain Cameras

The company has also invested in new CCTV drain surveying cameras from iTouch Systems, a leading provider of drain camera equipment. These new camera systems boast touch-screen technology, top-end coding, and the latest software for the drainage industry. This enables Drain 247 engineers to compile comprehensive drainage reports with high-resolution footage and images.

With the ability to record high-definition video of the insides of drains and sewers, Drain 247 engineers will be able to provide more accurate diagnosis of problems and compile reports in greater depth. These reports can then be sent directly from site which significantly cuts down the time it takes to get the final report to the client.

Drain 247’s Operations Manager Albert Voltaire said: "We are delighted to have acquired this new equipment from iTouch Systems. It will allow us to offer a more comprehensive service to our customers and we look forward to demonstrating our new capabilities.".

New Utility Mapping Equipment

In addition, Drain 247 has moved forward with the latest utility mapping equipment for their condition and inspection surveys. Supplied by Radiodetection Ltd, the RD8200G is a state-of-the-art cable and pipe locator with GPS technology which can be used in tandem with Sonde tracing equipment. It’s one of the most advanced locators in the Radiodetection product range and is designed for pinpoint accuracy and reliability when detecting and identifying underground utilities. The RD8200G has also been approved by the Network Rail to be used on the rail industry, which shows the company’s commitment to safety and quality.

The new locator is a major upgrade on its predecessor and offers a number of improved features that will benefit both domestic and commercial customers. This allows us to upstream our mapping services and provide data with more accuracy. Data logging and GPS enables us to work in conjunction with our geographical mapping systems (GIS). The RD8200G is able to locate all types of buried pipes and cables, including plastic and metal pipes, with greater accuracy than ever before. It also features an integrated GPS receiver, which allows engineers to pinpoint the exact location of buried pipes and cables. This is particularly useful in situations where there is a need to locate underground utilities during repair or maintenance work.

In addition to its improved performance, the RD8200G is also more user-friendly than its predecessor, with an easy-to-use interface and clear display. It is also lightweight and portable, making it easy to transport from one job to the next.

This investment will help Drain 247 improve their accuracy of their data gathering, accuracy, and location of underground utility services. enabling them to stay at the forefront of this industry and deliver top-quality reports to clients.

Re-investing in Staff

Drain 247 is committed to providing the best possible service to its customers, and that starts with making sure that their engineers are up to date on the latest techniques. That's why they have invested in their engineers by sending them on refresher courses, so they can continue to provide outstanding services. The younger engineers are also sent on city and guild courses so that they can build on their fundamentals and core skills.

In addition to the refresher courses, all Drain 247 operatives have been trained as WJA-certified operatives to ensure utmost safety and awareness when carrying out drain jetting services. All engineers are CSS safety checked and the company has also received certification by the Water Jetting Association (WJA) membership.

For the internal office staff, Drain 247 also sends them on Defibrillator and CPR First Aid Training courses to ensure that all staff members are prepared and know what to do in an emergency.

Operations Manager Albert Voltaire says “Our investment in training and development ensures that our engineers have the skills and knowledge they need to provide the best possible service to our customers. We're confident that this investment will pay off in terms of improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.”.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Drain247 are proud to be at the forefront of environmental responsibility and are committed to doing their part to reduce emissions and protect the planet. This investment in new electric vans is just one way that they are working to achieve this goal, and they are hopeful that other businesses will follow suit. With the Maxus electric vans, Drain247 are setting the standard for sustainable and eco-friendly business practices.

The company has been working hard to reduce its environmental impact in recent years, and this latest move is another important step in that journey. They committed to continuing its investment in sustainable practices, in order to help protect the environment for future generations.

About Drain 247 Drainage & Environmental Services

Drain 247 is an established drainage and environmental specialist with years of experience in providing industry-leading drainage solutions for domestic and commercial clients in London, Hertfordshire and further afield.

Using proven methods, techniques, and the latest equipment, Drain 247 ensures that each and every drain is cleaned properly and efficiently. The company offers a wide range of drainage and environmental services including, drain unblocking, drain repairs, drain cleaning, culvert inspections and cleaning, CCTV drain surveys, home buyers drain surveys, and many more.

Operating 24hrs a day and 7 days a week, Drain 247 offers a fast response services and covers an extensive range of areas in London and Hertfordshire, including Watford, Harrow, Borehamwood, and many more

For more information about Drain 247 and their drainage and environmental services, please visit their website at www.drain247.co.uk or contact their team on 0800 612 8038.

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