A Third Of Musicians Could Quit, Reveals New Survey



Musician's Union produced some damning figures...

A new *Musician's Union* report revealed that up to one third of musicians could quit during the COVID crisis.

The pandemic has completely altered the landscape for culture, closing venues, and preventing musicians from performing.

With this lifeline cut off, many are struggling, and funding from government bodies has been haphazard at best.

A new survey from Musician's Union suggests that 34% could quit if the current climate does not abate.

Almost half of its members are now finding alternative work, with a colossal 88% of all registered musicians believing that the government has not done enough to support them.

Musician's Union General Secretary Horace Trubridge shared the report, commenting:

"These figures are devastating and show how many musicians are struggling financially and at real risk of leaving music for good. In better times, our members drive a £5bn music industry with their talent. One artist’s gig will create a domino effect of jobs – from lighting technicians to ticket sellers. If one musician is out of work, you can be sure many others will be affected too."

He continued by urging the government to support the 'seat matching' scheme, which would aid venues in producing socially distanced performances.

Trubridge added: “We appreciate all the Government has done to support our members through the furlough and self-employment income support schemes so far, but they must not abandon musicians now. With social distancing measures still in place, venues can only sell at around 30% of usual capacity. We are calling on the Government to implement a seat-matching scheme, which would take venues’ potential revenue to 60%, providing a lifeline to musicians and the wider industry.”

The government's furlough scheme ends in October.

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