Ep. 493 - Mom of Gender Transitioning Son Says Anime and Manga Main Influence - Crystal Risotti
Ep. 493 - Mom of Gender Transitioning Son Says Anime and Manga Main Influence - Crystal Risotti

It was Easter weekend when Crystal Risotti discovered her son was taking hormones for a gender transition.

She was shocked and struck with grief, sharing that once someone goes down the road of transitioning, they are never the same person again.

After a deep-dive into finding a root cause, Crystal connected this development to her son’s involvement in anime and manga and she found obscure connections to the LGBTQ+ agenda.

This mom on a mission brings awareness to the dangers embedded in manga and anime, that are oftentimes rooted in deeply sexual content, especially impactful on at-risk kids, and are considered a “gateway drug” to a subculture of cosplay, conventions, and often, transgenderism or gender confusion.