Does METAL HELLSINGER pave the way for Next Gen?
Does METAL HELLSINGER pave the way for Next Gen?

It's all lead to this.

I've brought the pain to the suffering, I've made a living hell out of the eternal inferno, I've delivered torment to the tormented.

During my tour of #MetalHellsinger I've matched wits with minions and boss alike, carving my way through the circles gathering XP and weapaons along the way.

I've collected quite the arsenal, which is only fitting for this final playthrough of the month.

We were fortunate enough to have 5 weeks worth of Scream Stream and now we're headed to its natural course, the raging finale.

Your Control Freak, Inkarnate has been gifted the Dream of the Beast DLC, courtesy of a Mind Games Soul Survivor which brings with it new tracks as well as a new toy to entertain us with.

Time to Play.

Therefore, to close out this hellish game as well as the Midsummer Night's Stream, once more unto the breach dear fiends.