How Europeans Fight Austerity Better Than Americans, Feat. Richard Wolff
How Europeans Fight Austerity Better Than Americans, Feat. Richard Wolff

Americans are indoctrinated with a Hyperindividualistic mentality from media, school, parents, social peers, meaning that anytime you fail or fall on hard times based on circumstances out of your control, that it's your fault never the system, total obedience to the corporate state, blaming others is dismissed as childish, and just consume, live at your workplace (which defeats the purpose of having a house or renting an apartment just live at work so you can pay monthly rent) and everyone is at competition with one another (which means everyone is everyone's enemy) and peer to peer relationships have no emotional human connection, it's an unfeeling business transaction, and Americans and their lack if internal value (which is what they are indoctrinated to feel) have made them emotionless and unfeeling, has exacerbated not being able to connect with each other hence not being capable of being on the same page in a team effort to work towards any structural change, and overall yes most Americans who are Conformists are undereducated severely that to our education defunding going to the military overreach, and they don't research shit, they think they know a Lot based on Preconcieved Notions and Superficial Thinking, when they don't, thats called the Dunning-Kruger effect