Can I save the city in the final Ghostwire Tokyo Scream Stream?
Can I save the city in the final Ghostwire Tokyo Scream Stream?

At long last we're at the final stretch.

All the pieces have come together and the stage is set.

Greetings Gamers and Hello Horror Fans to the closing chapter of #GhostwireTokyo I hope you've enjoyed our Survival Horror Summer Getaway in the Land of the Rising Sun.

We've had a wild ride in this Ghost Story turned Tech Thriller fighting every terror from Kabuki masked Death Cult Leaders and digital ghosts out of a J-Horror Nightmare.

In the last Scream Stream, we lost our powers and thus the ability to fight back against these ghouls, but managed to regain them in the nick of time.

We're journeying to the infected shrines to purge them of the ghost cloud that haunts them.

Every pocket of the mist that dissipates brings us one step closer to taking down the Cult Leader, saving our sister, and freeing Tokyo from the death grip of this phantom curse upon the town.

We've got one last gameplay of the month, can Inkarnate pull it off before it's too late?