Charlie Kirk Speaks Truth/Krassensteins Finally Get Not Soros $$ | The Whiskey Capitalist | 7.17.23
Charlie Kirk Speaks Truth/Krassensteins Finally Get Not Soros $$ | The Whiskey Capitalist | 7.17.23

Tonight, we talk about the new feature of Twitter that Elon Musk has implemented that has allowed creators to get paid from their interactions on the app.

Ed and Brian Krassenstein are some of the highest paid “creators” of the platform along with Andrew Tate ($20,379 of which he will be going towards Tate charity initiatives), Benny Johnson ($9,546),Ashley St.

Claire a writer for the Babylon Bee ($7,153(, and the account End Wokeness ($10,419).

Should be interesting to see the engagement in the future.

We also discuss the Joy Reid/Michelle Obama/Sheila Jackson Lee/Ketanji Brown Jackson V Charlie Kirk feud.

All four of the women said they benefitted from Affirmative Action and Charlie Kirk simply agreed with it, but now the smooth brained left have their panties in a twist.