Nephilim 101: The Biblical Evidence For Giants, Spawned From Demons Mating With Women | Ep 17
Nephilim 101: The Biblical Evidence For Giants, Spawned From Demons Mating With Women | Ep 17

Guest Dr. Joseph Lumpkin uncovers the incredible Scriptural evidence for the existence of the legendary Nephilim.

Is it true these giants corrupted mankind, leading to the Flood in the days of Noah?

Could the giant demon/human hybrids still be among us today?

What role will the Nephilim have in the End Times?

Also, Uncle Jimmy gives his hot take on the illness of Jamie Foxx, the New York robot police dogs, and the new computer chip arm implant in Australia.

Plus, stay til the end to see Jimmy's hilarious re-telling of the Bible's Doubting Thomas.