Steve Hsu: The End of the Unipolar Moment & the Cementing in Blood of the Eurasian Alliance
Steve Hsu: The End of the Unipolar Moment & the Cementing in Blood of the Eurasian Alliance

Physicist, startup founder, and polymath Steve Hsu discusses the end of the unipolar moment, the return of geopolitics, and the U.S.-China New Cold War.

He believes China is not as fragile as some say.

We talk Taiwan, how Beijing has caught up in military tech, and how the nature of naval warfare in the next war will be very different.

On the technology and AI front, he feels the U.S. and China are at parity, but that the long-term trend is in China's favor.

He feels the social credit system is advancing just as fast in the West as in China and that the digital yuan is rapidly gaining in stature.

He gives his view on the Ukraine crisis and how it has been a huge strategic error by the U.S. because it has cemented the Eurasian alliance.

He's concerned about a systemic financial meltdown, discusses being a victim of woke cancel culture, and knowing Richard Feynman.