NIGHT SHADOWS 03042022 -- The Blind Lead The Blind...Israel, Putin, Iran, China, NATO
NIGHT SHADOWS 03042022 -- The Blind Lead The Blind...Israel, Putin, Iran, China, NATO

As we watch the Russian-Ukraine War and Putin's statement that he will take all of Ukraine, prophecy folks are wondering if this is the beginning of the Gog-Magog war, and the real target will be Israel in the future.

By taking all of Ukraine, it sets the stage for massive military buildup very close to Israel.

Then we have NATO coming into direct conflict with Russia, and that brings in the EU and the USA/Babylon.

Then we have China warning America to stay out of the "internal affairs" of China unless they want their military hardware to be junk metal.

Earth Changes abound, the USA drought is ever increasing per Biblical prophecy and on and on it goes inside the INSANE MATRIX...