The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 210 - Synchronicity!
The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 210 - Synchronicity!

In this video, I want to look at the concept of “Synchronicity.” An online dictionary defines “synchronous” as “meaning - happening or done at the same time or speed:" Essentially, it is the moving or working together of a number of people or things in unison.

Applied to life, it is clear that without synchrony, virtually NOTHING would get done or accomplished.

Most things work in a synchronous manner, whether in natural or mechanical systems. This whole world and all its systems would grind to a halt without synchronicity.

My question then is, knowing the absolute necessity of synchronicity, why do most Christians believe that God, who made all things, somehow works differently?

That he is NOT involved in his creation, and in particular human beings.

In fact, most so-called Christians do NOT believe that their belief or relationship to God requires them to do anything.

How is that, when the Bible declares in every chapter that God IS involved in his creation and in his relationship with people who profess faith?