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Saturday, 21 September 2024

Eating disorders are on the rise across the country

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Eating disorders are on the rise across the country
Eating disorders are on the rise across the country

The pandemic has caused a spike in eating disorders.

Especially, in young people.

On my fox 10.

This past year... many people have been struggling -- for many reasons.

But there are some side effects to the pandemic that a lot of peope never saw coming.

News 10's sarah lehman is live in our newsroom.

She has more about one issue on the rise and how it's impacting young people the covid 19 pandemic has led to many other problems like a rise in mental health problems..

Domestic violence..

And recently we're seeing a rise in eating disorders.

In july -- 62% of people in the u.s. with anorexia experienced a worsening of symptoms. nearly a third of americans with a binge-eating disorder also reported an increase in episodes.

That's according to a survey in the international journal of eating disorders.

"i'm seeing more clients reaching out for help i'm having more parents reaching out for help."

Sarah james is a registered dietition at nutrition to grow in vigo county.

She says she has seen an increse here in eating disorders since the start of the pandemic.

"it can be brought on by a lot of different for a lot of different reasons, but stress and major change of a routine is one thing that a lot of people have difficulty coping with and controlling their food is one way some people tend to actually cope."

James says eating disorders can impact any and every one.

But right now -- she says shes treating a lot of 14 to 21 year olds.

"they were forced to be kind of socially isolated and stuck at home and not as active.

Which does probably change their eating habits and it does change their activity factors which probably had changed their body shape and probably not super happy about it or uncomfortable."

James says there are some immediate red flags to look out for like... a drastic change in weight... a new obsession with healthy eating... and a drastic change in physical activity james says if you see any of those red flads to reach out to a physician...counselor or dietician.

We'll link you to how you can reach out for help over on our website.

Wthi tv dot com.

Reporting live in the newsroom.

I'm sarah lehman news 10.

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