Why Do We Eat Pancakes with Maple Syrup?
Why Do We Eat Pancakes with Maple Syrup?

Our prehistoric ancestors made theirown sort of pancake with ground grainsand nuts, cooking them on hot stones.Fast forward, and Dutch colonists broughttheir "pannekoek" recipes to America, andby 1740 they were dubbed buckwheat cakes.Native Americans tapped sugar maple treesand turned the sap into maple sugar, using aprocess they later taught to the Europeans.It may have been the early pioneerswho used maple syrup as a stand-infor more familiar toppings like treacle.Maple syrup also gained popularity becauseit was cheaper than the granulated sugarimported from Cuba and Haiti.Today, the perfect weekend breakfastis a stack of pancakes, hot off thegriddle, topped with pure maple syrup