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Sunday, 2 June 2024

Twin Lakes Student Helping Teacher

Credit: WLFI
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Twin Lakes Student Helping Teacher
Twin Lakes Student Helping Teacher
Twin Lakes Student Helping Teacher

Together to help a teacher diagnosed with cancer.

News 18's marvin bills joins us live in white county to tell us how.

Good morning, marvin.

Good morning, marlee and to you all at home.

This is a heart warming story that really highlights what it means to have ch other's ook at how this school has rallied together as a family.

Students say mrs. anissa need has done a lot at twin lakes high school in monticello.

She holds a legacy that's lasted sixteen years as an educator and coach for girls tennis and volleyball.

Now she's facing a life changing battle.

"i never expected someone so pure to get something like that."

Need found out she was diagnosed with breast cancer last wednesday.

Three days later twin lakes student jaylen roush felt moved to start a gofundme account for her.

"my heart sank because me and mrs. need i mean we are not on a personal level but i see her as a good friend she's always been there for me."

With the help of senior noah jhonston, along with other students passing out flyers and sharing on social media, word got around quickly and the community came together.

"i mean she's there for all of the kids here and she's just really wonderful around the school and how great of a teacher she is."

At last check the gofundme account was at nearly $9,000, that's in just 4 days and it continues to rise.

Students say they created the account to show mrs. need that's she's not alone and that she has people to lean on through this obstacle.

"she's always made us feel appreciated so we figure we got to pay her back some how and we want her to feel the way she makes us feel."

"i know she'll get through it and i know she'll push to fight it."

For need's daughter emma this is support she says was much needed.

"it makes me feel really appreciative that i have a bunch of people to help me.

Especially with the gofundme that was amazing i didn't know that was going to happen."

Emma says it was very difficult for her family.

But she's learned her family extends further than she ever could've imagined.

"i took a few minutes to take it in and it just, it hurt once i heard about it."

In this building you'll not only find passionate educators along with smart and intelligent students, you'll find a family.

Right now the total money raised is ---.

If you head to our website right now you can find a link to the gofundme .

That's wlfi dot com.monticelln thank you, marvin.

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