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Saturday, 1 June 2024

Calling All Covid-19 Survivors: A Louisiana Man Fighting the Virus Needs Your Plasma to Help Him Fig

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Calling All Covid-19 Survivors: A Louisiana Man Fighting the Virus Needs Your Plasma to Help Him Fig
Calling All Covid-19 Survivors: A Louisiana Man Fighting the Virus Needs Your Plasma to Help Him Fig

Calling All Covid-19 Survivors: A Louisiana Man Fighting the Virus Needs Your Plasma to Help Him Fight for His Life

One louisiana family is asking covid-19 survivors to help their loved one who is struggling with covid 19.

The're asking survivors to donate plasma in order to give their loved one a fighting 1's cassie schirm has details... right now darrel sullivan is of many who are fighting for their lives here in icu.with not being able to go inside and support him physically his friends and family are fighting for him online desperately searching for the one person who can possibly save his life by donating plasma.

"i's not a miracle cure but it might give him that edge to get through this" april collins sulliva's niece says watching her uncle struggle this time has been tough for the family and his friends.april"him being by himself in a room with strangers i's so heartbreaking there are't any words describe that."

Leaving them feeling helpless thad"to know that i might not see him again that i 3 ca't look at his eyes i ca't see him smile and he could pass with out him see me again "thad crouch one of darrell best friends for 28 years says the past two years darrel has been a true fighter.

"his body is weak right now by his spirit and soul is very strong.

"h's already fought cancer and won once."the nurses just loved him he would always make them laugh tha's his cure for everything i's just to make people laugh he would dance around oncology unit with his iv pole you were just you know h's a character.but after defeating that cancer last summer he found out he had a new cancer.

And trying to fight that with chemo he caught the coronavirus leaving him struggling to just breathe.

"possibly the only hope is finding the person with this antibody ."tha's why his loved ones are pleading to others on facebook to help save his life and others."'m not asking for money 'm not asking for your volunteer for the day or an even our share of this facebook just share this facebook post so somebody tha's a match will see it."

The person the're needing for darell is someone who has ab+ or - blood and has already beat covid 19."i pray that we find a donor and that not only do we find a donor but that it helps in whatever way he needs to "i's a mission that the're not giving up on until they bring darell back home."we will find that match and w're gonna be laughing together w're gonna be laughing together soon brother" now the family says they hope to find him and others donors a fighting chance against this virus that is breaking hearts all across the state and the world.

In lafayette 'm cassie schirm news 15.

If you want to donate, yo'll have to meet certain criteria.

You need to have tested positive, no symptoms for at least 14 days.a negative test if you want to donate 14 to 27 days after symptoms or you do't need a negative test at all after 28 days.staff members at vitalant say those donations can make all the difference.

0:10"i's our part is helping to save lives.

I's a small thing that we can do that would help someone possibly survive this life-threatening to see if that is happening right now."you have to fill out information online at for a prescrenning and then they will set you up for an appointment if you meet the requirements.

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