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Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Business Reaction

Credit: WCBI
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Business Reaction
Business Reaction

Governor Reeves' announcement this morning is offering a little hope to some businesses that have been considered non-essential.

Governor reeves' announcement this morning is offering a little hope to some businesses that have been considered ánon- essentialá quentin smith speaks with two local businesses about the impact this order will have on them he joins us live with more.

Aundrea... i'm here outside the flower girl and wedding florist in columbus..

It was one of the many non essential establishments forced to limit its business due to guidelines the governor put in place just last month.... and as you can imagine... the shop took a big hit... now... workers are hoping the new amended order will breathe more life into the business to help them stay afloat... nat as she cuts, and fixes a nice array of flowers, loretta shelton can't help but feel excited knowing she can now offer more services to her customers... "i've been praying every day, lord please open up psalm, just a little, just something that we can do a little more."

That prayer has been answered.

The governor issued an order allowing non- essential businesses like her floral shop, to now do delivery, drive through, and curbside sales.

" it'll help me pay my bills that's for sure.

Owning a small business is hard, and our community is our only way to make our money."

Shelton admits, her business took a blow after state leaders requested non-essential businesses close last month.

That's why the florist says this decision couldn't have come at a better time.

"this is our time of the year, our busy season.

First sunday in may decorations are coming up and we know we will have a lot of people who want to pick up flowers to go decorate the cemeteries with, so that will make me very happy to know that people can come and get their flowers, so we're ready."

Meanwhile, restaurants like the central grill station in starkville, are expecting to see a steady flow in business with shelter in place order being extended.

"we kind of expect to probably stay the same as far as the next week, lunch sales, a little bit softer, dinner sales will hopefully kind of flow up a little bit" while general manager terry long says he wants to see his business re-open, he also understands the risk that comes with that.

So for now long days they'll continue doing curbside deliveries until the governor says otherwise.

"we are going to wait until the guidelines come out.

But yeah we got a couple different ideas that we are kind of playing with.

We are going to wait and see what the government says.

If they come out and say that it's a limited number, certain businesses, that kind of thing, we're going to follow those guidelines, but we have game plans in place for multiple different things."

The governor is the governor is still urging people to practice social distancing and follow cdc guidelines while they're out taking care of any essential needs... to read the new order that was issued today..

Just visit our website at wcbi dot com..

For now reporting live in columbus - quentin smith - wcbi news..

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